There are many halachic (and sociopolitical, agricultural, religious, economical, etc.) kashrut issues pertinent to Israel alone, leading to a great variety of challenges that kashrut authorities face. This has lead to great diversity in the application of halacha in this field.
There are also authorities from different regions in Israel which deal with these challenges in different ways and pasken strictly/leniently for wide ranging reasons. Israel's kashrut industry spans nationwide and as the industry accelerates, new challenges are faced and the kashrut status of items can often vary.
Some examples being: status of meats changing from Rabbanut to Mehadrin (and vice versa), kashrut authorities changing from otzar beit din to heter mechira nationwide (during shemitta year), changes in ingredients suppliers, changes in fruit/vegetable infestations (e.g. see here), dairy products changing status from chalav Israel to chalav akum, etc.
In order for one to be halachically consistent, what is the best way to keep updated with such changes?