If one eats a mixture of two of the 7 species of Israel where one is the ikar and the other a tofel (for example, Wheaties with grapes used as toppings). Using the principal of ikar and tofel, only a mezonot would be required as a beracha rishona (unless things change with the 7 species). If one ate more than a kezayit of each, is a simple al hamichya enough or should one include al haetz?
1 Answer
Shulchan Aruch O.C. 212:1
כל שהוא עיקר ועמו טפילה (פירוש דבר בלתי נחשב) מברך על העיקר ופוטר את הטפילה בין מברכה שלפניה בין מברכה שלאחריה
Anything which is primary and has a secondary with it, make the blessing on the primary and exempt the secondary, both in the blessing before and after.
This applies to a food no matter how "special" it is, as the Shulchan Aruch continues:
אפילו פת שהוא חשוב מכל אם הוא טפל כגון שאוכל דג מליח ואוכל פת עמו כדי שלא יזיקנו בגרונו מברך על הדג ופוטר את הפת כיון שהוא טפל.
Even bread, which is the most important food, if it is secondary (in a particular dish)... the bread is exempted with the blessing on the other, since it is secondary.
It's a little different with a mixture of the 7/5 species such that a single beracha can be used with a combination of words ("baruch ata hashem ... al hamichya veal hakolkalah veal haetz veal pri haetz"). Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 18:34
1@AniYodeya It's not any different. It is tafel. It isn't there as far as the blessing is concerned. You wouldn't add it if they weren't there.– Y e zCommented Sep 29, 2014 at 20:31