From Wikipedia's definition of "halacha":
Orthodox Jews maintain halakha is derived from the divine law of the
Torah (Bible), rabbinical laws, rabbinical decrees and customs
combined. As such it should be adhered to as an unalterable authority.
They also believe there are traditional formulas that date back to
Moses on how the divine law may be interpreted – see above, "Rules by
which early Jewish law was derived". While Conservative Jews have
varied views regarding the origin of the Torah and its authority
today, and believe it can be continuously reinterpreted. Their view of
halakha has given rise to substantial differences in approach as well
as result.
In relating this definition to attempting a fair answer to your question, I am making some assumptions which may be incorrect, but here goes:
- The fact that you cited the Gemarrah and the tone of your question leads me to sense that you are seeking the "Orthodox" viewpoint
- Mi Yodeya does state in its overall philosophy as well as answers to many questions, CYLOR, "We are not rabbis" and other similar disclaimers.
Note that Mi Yodeya seems to imply that only views from an Orthodox rabbi are "valid" for your own personal purposes. I read some question on meta that asks about accepting non-Orthodox viewpoints, and I couldn't quite glean a conclusion about how the moderators deal with them. So, you may want to follow with a related question on meta.
In summary, since Mi Yodeya is making a disclaimer that we are not people dictating or deciding halacha, then, I would say the answer to your question is "no". You can learn a lot of Torah ideas from this site, and, perhaps get your Olam Haba points for learning Torah, but, I don't think, specifically for leaning "halachot", based on the above definition and Orthodox view of halacha.
With that, I suggest both CYLOR as well as CYFMYM (Contact your friendly Mi Yodeya Moderator.)