The Daughters of Zlophchad pointed out that the inheritance of their father would be passed to a different family because he had no sons. Moshe responds that they, the daughters, will inherit him (Bamidbar 27:1-7). Chazal praise them as cherishing the Land of Israel (Sifrei Pinchas 10).
Later, the members of the rest of the Tribe of Menashe come to Moshe to point out that if the daughters of Zlophchad marry into other Tribes, their sons, who are from other Tribes, will inherit them, and detract from the territory of the Tribe of Menashe. Moshe responds that they are correct, and the daughters of Zlophchad may not (or perhaps should not - Bava Basra) marry out of the Tribe (Bamidbar 36:1-6).
As far as I am aware, no mention is made of the righteousness of the men of Menashe for their attachment to the land. How come they are never praised for their desire to the land?
This question is exacerbated by the fact that the aforementioned Sifrei deduces that the daughters of Zlophchad love the Land of Israel from the fact that they are traced back to Yosef, who loved Israel. In Bamidbar 36:1, the Torah also traces the men of Menashe back to Yosef.