Who knows one hundred thirty-five?

Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point at least twenty-four hours from now, I will:

  • Upvote all interesting answers.

  • Accept the best answer.

  • Go on to the next number.

5 Answers 5


135 was (in amos (cubits)) the width of the azaros (and the length of the ezras nashim) in the second bes hamikdash.


Yaakov was 135 at the end of the period foretold in Paroah's dreams.


Matza = 135


The 135th day from Rosh Hashanna is Tu Bishvat, if Heshvan and Kislev is Mele'im (have 30 days) - like in this year.


Bar Kochva's revolt was crushed in 135 CE

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