What is the din with regards to kilei hayerek in chutz la'eretz? I see that many people have gardens in their backyards with vegetables right next to each other of different types.
1Related: judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/18927/… The answer says: The Rambam (Kilayim 1:3) and the Shulchan Aruch (YD 297:2) explicitly rule that the issue of Kilaei Zeraim (planting mixtures of edible seeds (except grapes)) only applies in the Land of Israel and a Jew can even plant his own mixtures outside of Israel on purpose. Is the rule on "seeds" the same as for vegetables?– Avrohom YitzchokCommented Jul 7, 2014 at 11:13
2@AvrohomYitzchok "seeds" is the catchall term for non-trees.– Double AA ♦Commented Jul 7, 2014 at 13:29
@DoubleAA Is it?– ertert3terteCommented Jul 7, 2014 at 17:02
@ShmuelBrin For our purposes, yes mechon-mamre.org/i/7101.htm#7 even if there are subcategories of "seeds". Be careful about using English terms for Halachik categories.– Double AA ♦Commented Jul 7, 2014 at 17:25
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1 Answer
The Rambam (Kilayim 1:3) and the Shulchan Aruch (YD 297:2) explicitly rule that the issue of Kilaei Zeraim (planting mixtures of edible seeds (except grapes)) only applies in the Land of Israel and a Jew can even plant his own mixtures outside of Israel on purpose.