I refer to an interesting episode, which was recorded by Rabbi Shmuel Baruch Shulman of Yerushalayim, who was present at a meeting between Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Hakohen Kook, the chief rabbi of Israel, and Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef Schneerson (the 6th Lubavitcher rebbe).
The meeting occurred in the summer of 1929, when the latter visited Israel. The story was published in the Torah journal “Hapardes” (Vol. 10, number 8, November, 1936, pp. 31-32). [Also published by Rabbi Shulman as a separate pamphlet].
Rabbi Shulman reports about several topics which came up in conversation (the proper bracha to be recited over a banana, love of every inch in Eretz Yisrael).
He continues: “The conversation then moved to matters of the future redemption, may it come speedily in our day.
The Lubavitcher rebbe’s position is well known, that this is one of the things that we have do not have to do any actions, and [just] wait for the mercy of Hashem.
[Rav Kook] proceeded to provide evidence to the contrary. Just as in all matters that depend on Heaven, it is incumbent on us to do “hishtadlus” to the best of our ability to help bring the matter into reality, so too regarding the future redemption, it is the sacred duty of every Jew to do a concrete action, so to speak, to “help” Hashem.
[Rav Kook] emphasized the statement of Chazal “In the future, a Heavenly voice will blast the mountain tops, saying, anyone who worked with Hashem should come and take his reward”. Meaning that along with our looking forward to salvation, we also need to do actions on our part, to “work with Hashem”.
We see that there has been a long standing debate regarding the question of, is action required on our part to help bring the future redemption. Those rabbis that believe that we need to take an active role in creating the messianic era, are echoing Rav Kook’s position.
It is interesting to note the “well known” (6th) Lubavitcher rebbe’s position, as quoted by Rabbi Shulman, which advocated a more passive approach. Contrast this with the current Lubavitcher approach, which is to attempt to hasten the final redemption, and their mission is centered on this goal.
Hebrew text:
ואח׳׳כ עברה השיחה על עניני הגאולה העתידה לבא במהרה בימינו, ושיטת
האדמו״ר מלובאוויטש היא כידוע שזהו מן הדברים שאנחנו צריכים לא לעשות שום פעולות ולחכות לחסדי השי״ת.
הרבה רבנו [הגראי"ה קוק] בראיות הפוכות כמו שבכל הענינים התלוים בידי
שמים עלינו להשתדל בכל היכולת לעזור ולהוציא מן הכח אל הפועל, כן גם
בעניני הגאולה העתידה חובה קדושה מוטלת על אדם מישראל לעשות איזו פעולה
ממשית ולעזור כביכול להשי״ת. (כן) [כמו] כן מדגיש ״בתנא דבי אליהו״
המאמר: ״עתידה בת קול לפוצץ בין ההרים ואומרת כל מי שפעל עם אל יבא ויטול
שכרו״, הכוונה שיחד עם הצפיה לגאולה צריכים אנו גם מצדנו לעשות פעולות,
וזהו ״שפעל עם אל״.