Avraham leaves Hashem to deal with guests in Vayera - because welcoming guests is greater than Kabolas Pnei HaSh'china.
Does that mean we can interrupt our Shmoneh Esrei to do mitzvahs? At least to do hachnosas orchim?
Avraham leaves Hashem to deal with guests in Vayera - because welcoming guests is greater than Kabolas Pnei HaSh'china.
Does that mean we can interrupt our Shmoneh Esrei to do mitzvahs? At least to do hachnosas orchim?
Kovaitz Heoros Ubeurim asks this question and concludes that only for someone like Avraham who for him Hachnasas Orchim was "Umnoso" would be permitted to interrupt Tefila for Hachnasas Orchim, however for others it is not permitted.