even though human beings have free will, it is God alone who brings all actions in this world to actuality...
this is explained throughout the shaar bitachon especially chapter 3,4
(likewise by the Ramchal)
excerpt from chapter 3:
What G-d has decreed that man will attain of them, man will attain
fully after the completion of the prepared means. That which has not
been decreed that he will attain - he will not attain, and the
necessary means will be withheld.
and a bit more explicitly from the Marpe Lenefesh commentary there in chapter 4
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...The answer to this is that the completion of something is not in man's
hands, rather, only the free will and resolve to do it, and G-d is the
one who brings all things to completion...
and later on in chapter 4 the shaar bitachon:
[Of these three factors,] two are not beyond our control, namely, (1)
the choice of service or sin and (2) intent and resolve to carry out
the choice. For these, trusting in G-d would be a mistake and a
foolishness, because the Creator left free choice in our hands whether
to serve Him or rebel against Him, as written "...[life and death I
have set before you] and you shall choose life" (Devarim 30:19). But
the bringing out of the act into actuality, He did not leave in our
hands, but rather, made it depend on external means which sometimes
are available and sometimes are not.
Hence He is the master of the world in that no action can manifest in the world without His decree/authorization. (i.e. choice 1 of the question- He is the Boss - Adon means master)