I know the shofar is not to be blown on rosh hashana except when performing it for a mitzva, but is a shofer permitted to be blown when it is not shabbos or a chag for recreational (not mitzva or mitzva preparation) purposes?
I'm reminded of a performance of "contemporary shofar music" that I heard about a while ago. I doubt that it was very good, but I wonder whether it was permissible.– user3318Commented Jan 1, 2014 at 4:29
2Is the shofar one that has been used for mitzvah purposes in the past?– user3318Commented Jan 1, 2014 at 6:28
yes.............– Clint EastwoodCommented Jan 1, 2014 at 10:21
Related: judaism.stackexchange.com/q/2565/3– WAFCommented Jan 1, 2014 at 15:17
Yes but night time might be a diff story– samCommented Jan 1, 2014 at 17:26
3 Answers
Assuming the Shofar was not previously blown for a mitzvah:
Yes, as explicitly written in Psalms 150:3, where the shofar is listed among other musical instruments:
הַלְלוּהוּ, בְּתֵקַע שׁוֹפָר; הַלְלוּהוּ, בְּנֵבֶל וְכִנּוֹר.
(See also Ps 81:4, 98:6)
In addition, the Gemara (Rosh haShana 33b) includes a discussion about whether one fulfills his mitzvah obligation if he blew "to make musical sounds" on Rosh haShana, implying that one is allowed to use a shofar to make music.
Finally, there are many cases in Tanach where a shofar was blown for non-mitzvah purposes, (mostly involving wars and coronations; Shoftim 3:27, 2 Samuel 2:28, 1 Kings 1:34, 2 Kings 9:13, Amos 3:6, among others), and the Gemara (Shabbat 35b) mentions that a Shofar is blown on Friday to tell people to prepare for Shabbat.
Have anything on when the shofar was previously used for a mitzva? ...OP in a comment on the question mentions that the shofar was used for a mitzva...– MTLCommented May 16, 2014 at 4:51
That's a different question - about whether you can use an "mitzvah object" for secular purposes, and isn't shofar specific.– ShmuelCommented May 16, 2014 at 5:00
If the cantor used his voice to sing Kol Nidre, is it permissible for him to sing in the shower? What is different is the kavanah. On Rosh Hashanah, both the sounder and the hearer must have the intention of fulfilling the mitzvah. The rest is just blowing in the wind.
3If I use wear Tefillin as a Mitzva, then can I use them as paperweights??– Double AA ♦Commented Jan 7, 2014 at 5:01
Unless its to practice it would be degrading to the mitzva.
the answer was provided by a rabbi on www.pocketrabbi.com a user friendly system for a quick response to halachic or any torah questions that a Jew might have.
1If you can edit in anything about the reasoning or sources behind the responsum you cite (or indeed a link to the responsum), this answer will be much more valuable.– Isaac Moses ♦Commented Jan 2, 2014 at 15:36
6You eat Matza all year, it is not degrading the Matza you eat Pesach. Why is it degrading? Commented Jan 2, 2014 at 18:06