I saw this list of secular books for Jewish children ( http://savvima.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/4552B_a_00663_book_list_with_comments_and_cover1.pdf ) and it says this as part of its rationale: "Some books focus on the unfortunate realities of the Western world, which we may not want to expose our children to, eg: drugs, homelessness, abuse, alcoholism, cults, etc. We note this in the comments section so that parents/teachers can make informed decisions."
Personally I find a lot of value in not reading books or watching films etc. with glorified violence; non-tznius; secular, magical, or other-religious values or imagery, and such... but I'd like a clearer perspective about why a list like this would find a problem with even the non-glorified portrayal of these kinds of things. It makes some sense to me but I would appreciate a clear perspective of the pros and cons found by different parts of the Jewish community. (I'd also like to know the reasons people might bring if deciding differently for kids and adults.)