Where can I find an exhaustive list of all of the names of Hashem (preferably שמות and כינוים) in Tanach and elsewhere?
Is this too ill-defined a topic to have an exhaustive answer?
Do the 70 in the midrash on Shir Hashirim count?
Where can I find an exhaustive list of all of the names of Hashem (preferably שמות and כינוים) in Tanach and elsewhere?
Is this too ill-defined a topic to have an exhaustive answer?
Do the 70 in the midrash on Shir Hashirim count?
Sepher Shorshei HaShemot by Rabbi Moshe Zecuto is an exhaustive listing of divine names. It is an alphabetical index. Each entry lists the source of the name as well as its usage.
In one of the Ba'al HaTurim's comments (available with English translation and commentary by Artscroll), he lists all of the names of Hashem.
As Alex writes in the comment, it is in the short commentary on Numbers 11:16, in parashat Behaalotecha. It is viewable here, starting two lines from the bottom.
Try learning Sefer Shaarei Orah in its new print. In the back of every Shaar is a list of Shemos and Kinuyim that are explained in that Shaar, but it is not the complete list.
According to kabbalistic sources, the entire torah is one very long name of God (supposedly 600,000 letters, each one connecting to each Jew who stood at Mount Sinai). This is why a torah scroll is pasul if there is a chasar-malei problem (missing or extra alef, hei, vav, or yud).
Read this interesting article: תוכן הספר
There is not a single source with every name. As mentioned above, Sefer Shaarei Orah by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla is one of the classics and very comprehensive. But once you start dealing with the infinitely diverse permutations of the names it is quite literally, בלי גבול!