What are good Seforim for using to help in developing drashos to say on the weekly Parsha (i.e. to use as a starting point, to quote, to find Medreshim, "nice vertlach", various "p'shatim" in pasukim, etc, etc.) I'm specifically looking for seforim that are "older" (i.e. from around 80 years ago (could be later however) and older.) Sifrei Chassidus may be recommended however for this better to avoid I'd say (certainly the more traditional Sifrei Chassidis that are well known or those that have deeper Toras al pi concepts in Chassidus or Kabballah.)
There will obviously be no right answer to this and am simply looking for as many recommendations people can make.
Note: I only said to avoid Sifrei Chassidus in order to "limit" the amount that people my post. That was my intention. As well as the "age" limit was done in order to prevent too many "new" seforim.