Yesterday, I heard the door open and close. I went over and discovered that the mailman had delivered the mail. A magazine (which I looked forward to reading), some envelopes and a small package. I wasn't expecting a package. I picked it up and noticed that it was supposed to be delivered to my neighbor, a block away. I also noticed that the return address was from the Jelly Belly corporation. And the package made a distinct noise when I shook it...
I have read about receiving free samples on Pesach, but this case was a bit more complex -- I wasn't receiving the sample, but I took it into my house. Do I hold on to it and destroy it without delivering it properly (though it isn't my mail to mess with) or do I deliver it and put it in his reshut and put him in the position to have to destroy it? Might that then indicate that I, even for a short time, took ownership of it without destroying it? And that I am willfully delivering chametz to him on Pesach that he might, even for a short time, acquire? I know about CYLOR but the issues here seemed complex enough to raise here as well.