Anyone know of any good sources for Ashkenazi prayer modes and melodies for the whole year? I'm looking for traditional Ashkenazi nusach, but perhaps not embellished like concert chazzanut. A good book recommendation is great, as are recordings; if you know of good online resources (I know Virtual Cantor, Siddur Audio, and the rest of the sites at Offtonic), those are great too.
Specifically, I'm looking for older-style nusach from the middle of the last century, rather than the simplified nusach used by laypeople today. One thing I'm specifically looking for is the traditional melody for Tisha B'Av maariv, which I've heard of and seen quoted but have never heard from a cantor. P'sukei D'zimrah also has a major mode nusach on Shabbat that I've only heard once, but apparently that's the traditional way.
Thank you very much!