The reason that pas haba b'kisanin is not a hamotzi is because it is made in such a way that it is not eaten as bread (Beis Yosef 168 s.v. ומה), even though it still is bread (Rambam Hil. Berachos 3:9, although Taz 168:10 implies otherwise). Something which is added in but does not remove the bread from being eaten as normal bread does not create this halacha, resulting in the following dispute:
The Mechaber and the Rema have a dispute how strongly the fruit juice (or anything kneaded into the dough) needs to be tasted in order to give it the halacha of pas haba b'kisanin - the Rema holds that it must be strongly tasted, and the Mechaber holds it only needs to be discernible (O.C. 168:7). Whether or not water distilled from fruit juice would be considered fruit juice for other halachos, it would not even meet the lower standard required by the Mechaber, as it tastes like water.
Therefore, this bread would be normal bread.
The Magen Avraham 168:16 understands the opinion of the Rambam to be that fruit juice never makes pas haba b'kisanin.