Someone who is in jail and is able to light Channukah candles, can/should he make a bracha?
I don't know if being in Jail is considered to be like having a home that someone would have a chiyuv to light candles in. This is a dira bal korcha (a forced living situation.) He definitely isn't paying rent in order to be there either. Is this like a "guest". Does the fact that he eats most of his meals there mean something as well?
Are there any poskim that discussed this issue?
Update: I later saw in the Beis Yosef in Siman 677 towards the end where he brings from the Mahari Abohav that someone who is in a boat or in the house of non-Jews may light with a bracha. Perhaps one may bring a proof from here to our case? Is the house of a non-Jew better/worse (in terms of being able to light with a bracha as he points out) than a jail?