Diphallia is a rare medical condition in which a male infant is born with two penises.

Does brit-milah requires both penises to be circumcised? Is there any reference in the litterature about such an event?

  • 3
    I recall the Nishmat Avraham discussing hypospadias, wouldn't be surprised if he covers this one too. Fascinating question!
    – Shalom
    Commented Nov 1, 2012 at 1:55
  • 5
    Robert, welcome to Mi Yodeya and thank you for this indeed fascinating question! Please consider registering your account, which will give you access to more of the site's features. Remember also to discuss with your own Rabbi and Doctor before making any real-life decisions. Hope to see you around!
    – Double AA
    Commented Nov 1, 2012 at 2:45
  • 7
    The Minchas Chinuch would love this: Suppose a baby is born chetzyo eved / chetzyo ben chorin, and he has diphallia ...
    – Isaac Moses
    Commented Nov 1, 2012 at 4:17
  • 2
    בעא מיניה פלימו מרבי מי שיש לו שני ראשים באיזה מהן מניח תפילין א"ל או קום גלי או קבל עלך שמתא "Pelemo enquired of Rabbi, If a man has two heads on which one must he put the tefillin?’ ‘You must either leave’, he replied, ‘or regard yourself under the ban’." - Menachot 37a
    – Isaac Moses
    Commented Nov 1, 2012 at 4:37
  • 3
    But then... א"ל איתיליד לי ינוקא דאית ליה תרי רישי
    – b a
    Commented Nov 1, 2012 at 5:27

1 Answer 1


The Rambam in Mishna Torah Hilchos Milah 1:7 says that someone who has 2 Orlos they make the Bris for both on the 8th day.

ומי שיש לו שתי ערלות, מלין את שתיהן בשמיני.

The Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh Deah 262:13 and the Sefer Minchas Ani - Hilchos Milah 13 says that although the Bris is done on the 8th day by such a child it would not be done on the 8th day if the 8th day is Shabbos.

  • Just to add to this, Rambam also says that circumcising someone with two foreskins wouldn't override shabbat - he records that later in 1:11. Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 6:29

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