What is the difference between the words zachor and pakad?
They are used with what seems like very similar meanings throughout the Rosh HaShanah davening, as well as in the Chumash.
Here are some uses to consider:
- Noach and Rochel is recalled with zachor (Bereishis 8:1, 30:22)
- Sarah is recalled with pakad (Bereishis 21:1)
- It seems like covenants are remembered with zachor (e.g. promise to the Patriarchs to redeem Jews from Egypt in Shemos 2:24 or promise to rescue the Jews from the exile at the end of the curses in Vayikra 26:42)
All explanations I've seen relate pakod to tafkid (purpose, function, task), for example, someone tried to say that zachor is focusing on generic ideas and pakod - on what is a particular person's task in realizing these ideas. This seems to fit Sarah, but does not explain how Rochel could be recalled for childbirth (just like Sarah was) with pakod.
Would someone be able to connect these for me? Thank you very much for your help.