Are there any scriptural sources that Hashem loves each Jew individually? I know there are pesukim (verses) that deal with how Hashem treats or views Am Yisrael (the Jewish nation) as a whole, but what are the mekoros (sources) for individuals?

Edit: I find it scary that Hashem's love for each and every Jew is spoken about so often, and is taken (I think) by most of us as a given, but that after several days, still no clear sources for the concept have been found (and I did a lot of looking...)

  • By 'scriptual", I can safely assume you mean only Tanach and not, say, Midrash/Gemara?
    – HodofHod
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 0:27
  • does this include verses which refer to all individuals? (like some of the verses in ashrei)? does it have to be "love" or some other form of connection?
    – rosends
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 1:54
  • @HodofHod, wouldn't Midrash/Gemara sources be based on a verse themselves? But I would be interested in them regardless.
    – Shraga
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 12:09
  • @Dan , that would depend if it's clearly meant for each individual separately. I'm basically looking for proof that Hashem loves ME!
    – Shraga
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 12:11
  • 2
    I don't know if he names you, but look through all the statements in Ashrei and see what he will do for each person who follows him.
    – rosends
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 14:38

2 Answers 2


G-d's counting of the Jewish people expresses his love for the individual Jew (since counting emphasizes the importance of the individual unit. Were the individual unit not important, there would be no need to count). Rashi (Shemot 1:1) says:

And these are the names of the sons of Israel: Although [God] counted them in their lifetime by their names (Gen. 46:8-27), He counted them again after their death, to let us know how precious they are [to Him], because they were likened to the stars, which He takes out [From beyond the horizon] and brings in by number and by name, as it is said: who takes out their host by number; all of them He calls by name (Isa. 40:26). [From Tanchuma Buber, Shemot 2; Exod. Rabbah 1:3]

Rashi (Bamidbar 1:1) says that because G-d loves the Jewish people he counts them all the time.

(See here and here, where the Lubavitcher Rebbe elaborates on the significance of counting)


"Because of G-d's love for you" (Devarim 7:8).

"His banner over me is love" (Shir HaShirim 2:4).

"Every single person is required to say, 'The world was created for me'" (Sanhedrin 4:5).

"A great love You have loved us" (Ahavah Rabah, Sidur).

"You are the children of The L-rd, your G-d" (Devarim 14:1)

I left this as a community wiki. Add more if you can.

  • 1
    The first two are expressions of God's love for the nations as a whole, not the individuals necessarily. The latter two are not even scriptural verses.
    – jake
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 17:23
  • 1
    @jake Concerning your second point, the author said he'd be interested in other sources as well
    – b a
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 17:24
  • @jake And to your first point: Just before the first line I quoted, it says "Not because of how many you are..." And Rashi on that pasuk in Shir HaShirim says that it refers to Har Sinai, in which we were all "ke'ish echad belev echad"
    – b a
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 17:40
  • @b-a, I think that "Not because of" notwithstanding, the expression of love still was said about the nation as a whole. #3 is interesting, but I'm not sure it proves love perse. But it's definitely food for thought. As regards #4, we have no reason to think it's not talking about "us" as Am Yisrael.
    – Shraga
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 21:21
  • 1
    @ba, source 1 is in the plural, though.
    – msh210
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 20:06

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