I cook hard boiled eggs with shells in meat cholent and was wondering if I could eat them during the nine days. If cooked before Rosh Chodesh Av or after - would that make a difference?
5Good question but when they were cooked doesn't seem relevant here.– Charles KoppelmanCommented Jul 20, 2012 at 22:15
2Charles, since his question (in part) is whether or not that makes a difference, I think it needs to be part of the answer.– Seth JCommented Jul 20, 2012 at 22:27
1ADK, welcome to Mi Yodeya, and thanks very much for this interesting question! Please consider registering your account, which will give you access to more of the site's features.– Isaac Moses ♦Commented Jul 20, 2012 at 22:56
3 Answers
Sefer HaToda'ah, authored by R' Eliyahu Ki Tov says in (part 2, page 374):
וכבר נתפשט המגהג שלא לאכול אפילו תבשיל שנתבשל בו בשר. אבל מותר לאכול תבשיל שיתבשל בקדרה של בשר.
The custom to not eat even a cooked item that has been cooked with meat has already become popular. But it is permissible to eat a cooked item that was cooked in a meat pot.
The Mishna Berura (551:63) brings this as well.
Since the issue is eating meat during the nine days, I don't think it makes a difference when the meat was prepared.
2+1, the source addresses the question directly. But Sefer Hatodaa is not exactly a halacha book....– msh210 ♦Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 6:12
@msh210: and there's no footnotes either, which is annoying, but that's where I read it.– MenachemCommented Jul 22, 2012 at 6:23
1For the public good, I just added a link to Hebrewbooks.org's original Hebrew language version of Sefer HaToda'ah (The Book of Our Heritage) on Wikipedia at 18:42, 22 July 2012, and the new External Links section. Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 18:46
this egg - a tavshil shel bassar (although excluded by the Shulchan aruch) is included in the 9 days prohibition by the vast majority of Ashkenazic poskim as well as several contemporary sefardic ones as well - similar to laws of meat and milk.
see this excellent comprehensive article by rabbi Y. spitz addressing this exact issue (in the postscript):
Even according to those who have the custom to refrain from consuming meat during these days, this is permitted according to many authorities.
The Orehot Hayyim (Vol. 1: Hilkhot Tishah B'av: 4) writes:
ויש נמנעין מאכילת בשר משנכנס אב לפי שאין שמחה אלא בבשר ואע"פי כן אין צריך להמנע מתבשיל שנתבשל בו בשר
There are those who refrain from the consumption of meat from the beginning of Av, for joy is only experienced through the consumption of meat. But nevertheless, one need not refrain from a food which was cooked with meat.
This is cited by the Beit Yosef (OH 551:10) as well, who presents no dissenting view, and he cites this opinion in the Shulhan Arukh (there) as well.
The Taz (551:11) clarifies that this includes not just foods cooked with meat, but even the meat's gravy.
However, The Mishnah Berurah (Oh 551: 63) citing the Magen Avraham (29), nevertheless writes that the custom is to be stringent to not even eat a food cooked with meat.