I've been reading through the Malbim Esther and have found it fascinating reading, and I was wondering whether there are any other notable seforim with divrei Torah about Purim. I am going through the Pachad Yitzchok on Purim, and I was wondering whether there are any other notable recommended sforim. Thanks!
3 Answers
There are quite a few interesting ones - most pretty lengthy, but they can be mined for shorter nuggets too - in Yaaros Devash, by R. Yonasan Eibeschutz, and Derashos Chasam Sofer.
There is a Sefer called Otzros HaTorah - Purim that is a Likut of many interesting and notable Divrei Torah. It is available on Purim as well as all the other Yomim Tovim.
The VBM has published a few new Divrei Torah on each holiday, including Purim, every year. The Divrei Torah are collected and available online in their Holiday Journals (the Purim section is here).