Very simple question. I am always looking to add to my list of Sefardi (incl. Edot Mizrach, Italian etc.) commentaries that I can draw Divrei Torah from. I have been relying mainly on the Chida, because he has many works, and I resonate with him very well. Also, as a bonus, most of his works are on Sefaria, in full, which saves me money!
I have also been using Rabbi Yosef Chaim's sefarim (also on sefaria) to draw from, as well as R' Avraham Azulai's. There's also, in no particular order, of course Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Or HaChaim Hakodesh, Rabbeinu Bachaye, Sa'adia Ga'on, Maskil LeDavid, Tzror UMor, Sforno and the Alshich Hakodesh.
There are a great many other sefardi gedolim throughout the ages, but I am having trouble sourcing their sefarim online. I am also interested in hearing of lesser known ones, whether online or not, so to boil down my question:
Please recommend Sefardi Rabbonim's commentaries on the Parasha, especially those that are found online, especially rarer ones (and please use my list above to know what not to mention as I already have access to those)