If someone has done something that makes them look bad, and there is proof - something very easy in the modern day, such as a video, or a message they wrote on social media - what is the halacha of showing people this proof? Does it count as Lashon Hara if there's no to'elet, or is this considered "public information"? I would also be glad to hear if someone could answer not just halachically, but what a yirat shamayim should do even lifnim mishurat hadin.
I'll give a couple of examples:
I buy a new car. One of my friends shows me that one of my other acquaintances has sent jealousy-driven messages to him and a few others, along the lines of "can you believe how irresponsible this guy is with money, we shouldn't let him near the shul bank account".
Was my friend allowed to show me that message? Am I allowed to show others? Does it make a different if I was, at the time, trying to get elected to the shul board or not? (note, this is not a personal question or looking for psak, just a hypothetical)
A bochur goes on holiday, and lets himself indulge a bit, and on his social media there are videos where he is speaking nivul peh.
Is one allowed to shared these videos with anyone?