Can one fall asleep listening to shiurim about stories, not gemara or Chumash, but really just stories?
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2I never heard that it’s halachitly bad to fall asleep to shiurim on Torah, in fact, it might be better, since your subconscious mind will absorb it.– user34750Commented Mar 12 at 11:10
In any case, we say(i dont know if all customs agree with it), "Torah tziva lanu etc." At the end to end our day with divrei torah and if thats the case. Getting asleep while listening to a shiur is in fact a mitzvah! I don't recall the sources– Rakhem HaokipCommented May 30 at 2:58
1 Answer
I'm not paskeining anything, just quoting the opinions.
One of the reasons Chazal instituted Kriat shema al hamitah is that we fall asleep with Torah, as the first Rashi (and others) on Brachot 5a implies.
There is a discussion if one says Kriat Shema Al Hamitah and then chooses to listen to a shiur of Torah:
The Mishneh Beruraha in O.C. Siman 239 Seif Katan 4 and Biur Halacha ד״ה סמוך למטתו holds that Kriat Shema Al Hamitah is a tefillah directed to the person sleeping (ברכת שבח והודאה) and therefore, a person should not say HaMapil (the bracha) until he is certain that he intends to sleep immediately. In his opinion, if he recites the bracha and then engages in other activities (even listening to a shiur) and makes a hefsek, his bracha is a bracha levatala, and one says המפיל again. But most Achronim (brought down in Yechaveh Daat 4:21, 7:39) disagree and say that Kriat Shema Al Hamitah and the bracha of hamapil are a birkat hodah to Hashem on the way of the world that He causes people to fall asleep. According to this, the minhag is to not eat, drink, talk, etc after saying hamapil because the Beit Yosef in Siman 239, and Sefer Tefilah Ledavid Siman 356 say that its because of the pasuk אמרו בלבבכם על משכבכם זו ודומו סלה, which refers to Kriat Shema. If there is a hefsek its not a bracha levatala and one does not need to say hamapil again. According to most (besides the Mishneh Berurah and a few others) listening to Divrei Torah (without speaking it) would not be an issue (which includes the Magen Avraham in O.C Siman 239 Seif Katan 5, Chesed Lealafim (אות יא), Sefer שכב כארי עמוד קנא, etc.