According to Halacha, does chinaware need tevilat keilim when it is bought by a Jew from a gentile or no? Is this question a machloket amongst the different poskim?

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    – Shalom
    Commented Mar 11 at 22:17

1 Answer 1


Extracted from Halachipedia

Which Vessels require Tevilah?

  1. While the immersion of metal utensils is required by Torah law, glass utensils must be immersed only by rabbinic enactment. Glass was incorporated into the mitzva of tevilat keilim because glass and metal share a common characteristic - they are both materials which can be melted and reconstructed when needed. [28]
  2. Metal, glass, crystal, pyrex, and duralux require Tevilah. However, plastic, nylon, earthenware, and vessels covered in earthenware do not require Tevilah. [29]
  3. Some say that porcelain requires Tevilah.[30] Some say it does not need tevila.[31] According to Sepharadim, porcelain does not require tevila. [32]
  4. Plastic or wood cutting boards do not need Tevilah, but those who are strict and do Tevilah for it will be blessed.[33]
  5. Earthenware dishes or fine china that have a glass glaze must have tevilat keilim.[34]
  6. Anything used to improve the food that is ready to eat needs tevila include a metal noodle strainer.[35] However, a utensil that only prepares ingredients that are not edible after that stage of the cooking require tevila without a bracha, such as a metal flour sifter.[36]
  7. Similarly, jars, bottles, or metal containers which are used only to store food and not used for food preparation or consumption should be immersed without a blessing. Utensils which are only used indirectly with food, such as bottle or can openers, and the like, do not require immersion.[37]
  8. Common custom is not to require the immersion of plastic utensils[38] even though some authorities argue that the similarities between glass and plastic would require it. [39]
  9. Utensils which one is certain that they contain no glass or metal components need not be immersed. [40]
  10. Corelle dishes are halachically similar to glass dishes and should be immersed. According to most poskim they are immersed with a bracha. [41]
  11. One should immerse the kos shel eliyahu used for the seder night without a beracha.[42]
  12. Regarding a seder plate if the food directly touches the seder plate it requires tevila and if not it doesn't.[43]
  13. Tongs used to do tevilat kelim don't themselves need tevilat kelim.[44]
  14. A mixer should have tevila without a bracha since it is usually used to mix foods which aren't ready to eat immediately.[45]
  15. A pocketknife requires tevilah. [46]

It seems to me that chinaware is dealt with under item 5 and does need tevila because of the glaze.

Porcelain (= vitrified pottery with a white, fine-grained body that is usually translucent) is the subject of machlokes - item 3; earthenware -item 2, which is porous, opaque, and coarser than porcelain does not need tevila.

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