I saw here on Din Online the following:
What you are writing is true, the advertising business, for an honest person is fraught with danger, because unfortunately a lot of advertising nowadays involves lying and fooling people. False advertising can include the issurim of sheker (lying), geneivas daas (fooling), lifnei iver, because it is giving them bad advice especially is it is not true. Additionally, you might be under pressure from a dishonest customer to do these things. I am not saying not to go into this business, rather that you should know the pitfalls.
In the sources it quotes from a sefer entitled "Titein Emes L'Yaakov" - on p.478 it writes the following:
In the final part it reads:
If he says I will sell you at 100 and another opportunity comes that will give him 200, he should not change his words. And the same is true if he says to his friend, I will buy from you at 200, and another opportunity comes that will give it to him for 100. But if he believes that this is the assumption and is wrong, there is no need to say if the seller was mistaken and there is not even middas chasidus (to act accordingly). And from here, there is rebuke to merchants/sellers who advertise, not to greatly exaggerate the quality of their goods.