Someone posted here recently saying that its halacha that you must break a small halacha to keep a bigger one.
This is known commonly from Hilchot Shabbat and Pikuach Nefesh. It is also known from Women who have saved the Jewish People like Yael. I have also seen it being hinted to by various Mekubalim regarding Tefila with Kavvanah (שערי אורה, Hakdama to שער רוה"ק). Its also notably mentioned in the ספר חסידים regarding a Man not having relations with a Niddah.
In the recent discussion on this forum someone brought it up in the context of a Baal Teshuva being overwhelmed .
Is there a formal guideline that says when to and when to not apply this rule?
I would like to know when I can and when I cannot apply it.
Perhaps all we need is a comparison of which one is more severe.
This also touches on the question of אנוס רחמנה פטריה . What is the official definition of אנוס? In other terms : how much must a person suffer to keep Halacha?
Another good example is when Rav Kook ruled someone drinking on Purim is exempt from Tefillah