It is said that those who don't believe in Olam haba can't get there.
But what about gilgul, can atheists get another chance?
It is said that those who don't believe in Olam haba can't get there.
But what about gilgul, can atheists get another chance?
Rabbi David Rosenfeld suggests in an article published on that atheist Jews are perhaps reincarnated into babies born to Orthodox families to get a "second chance" to come close to HKBH.
He explains, "To be honest, I don’t have an answer to this dilemma. The only feeble suggestion I can make is that G-d attempts — using all means at His disposal — to give every Jew an opportunity to find out about his or her heritage. G-d tries to reach every one of His children. Of course there are quite a few of them and much apathy and many misconceptions between them and the truth. Yet G-d never gives up on us — in spite of the huge distance which must be spanned.
Perhaps we can also invoke the Kabbalistic concept of reincarnation — that G-d will eventually give such souls a second chance: the opportunity to be raised in a committed, religious home. (I even once heard a rabbi suggest that this is G-d’s reason for granting the Orthodox such enormous families today. This is almost His only chance — working behind the scenes in a way only He can — to reintroduce the masses of Israel to their G-d.)"
Would you leave your son if he doesn't believe in you? Why would Hashem leaves atheists?
They live - that's a greatest sign that He doesn't leave them and they receive light to live.
It's just another sin that person need to work on, no more or less than others.
"Know, that if a person merits obtaining his Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama, and then blemishes them through sin, he will have to be reincarnated to rectify the damage... Righteous people are greater in death than during their lifetimes. ..." Gilgulim and Righteous. Chapter One, Section 10. By Rabbi Yitzchak Luria as recorded by Rabbi Chaim Vital; translation from Sha'ar Hagilgulim by Yitzchok bar Chaim; commentary by Shabtai Teicher