I do not own a smartphone, and it is easier to listen to recordings of shiurim and music over the phone. I am looking for a list of Jewish Hotlines, specifically for more gemara or english shiurim.
3 Answers
There are a few I know. Please share if you know anymore!
Rambam over the telephone: 718-480-0200
Chassidus over the telephone: 718-735-7333
Kol Halashon: 718-521-5231
TheYeshiva.net: 845-201-1933
TorahPhone (subscription): 718-436-3846
Torah Anytime: +1 718-298-2077
Voice News: +1 605-562-1616
Voice News is mostly News. But it does have Zemanim and Jewish music. But no Torah.
Tznius Hotline [women]: +1 718-907-6888
[I wonder if this is the kind of question that Mi Yodeya is for.]
chazak hotline
The Loop
Izzy and dizzy hotline
Pirchei hotline
KOL HALASHON (718)-906-6400 - It has almost anything you want
For all the numbers, check online.