Often, Rabbis will question why different Tosafot (even in different Mesechtas) disagree with each other, finding a way to make them congruent.
If Tosafot was written by multiple authors (at least 100 by name), why would this be an issue?
Often, Rabbis will question why different Tosafot (even in different Mesechtas) disagree with each other, finding a way to make them congruent.
If Tosafot was written by multiple authors (at least 100 by name), why would this be an issue?
While there were many sages in the times of the Tosafot, the main Tosafot printed in the Gemara to most tractates were mostly written by R' Eliezer of Toques, based on the Tosafot of R' Shimshon of Sens. So it is assumed that they are generally the same opinion.
However, there can be contradictions due to the variant opinions, so a contradiction in Tosafos is not as problematic as a contradiction in works known to be by a single author.