How many Rabbi's are there that are named "Rashash"? I can't seem to find any sources that speak of another rashash, besides the ones mentioned below. I was told that there was one that lived a thousand years ago. Who is that person?

I know of the Rashash of Shalom Sharabi and Shtrason.

I was told that there was on who lived before the Arizal the one who invented the Kavanot that the Arizal uses in his book.

  • If you know one already, you should edit into your question who that is.
    – magicker72
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 17:15
  • @magicker72, The question was edited though the question is self evident, as neither of the rashas that are well know lived a thousand years ago. And the question is asking for the man who live a thousand years ago.
    – Gabriel
    Commented Feb 26, 2023 at 17:43
  • Both lived after the ARI and R. Strason was no a Mequbal and didn't believe in Metemplychosis. R. Shaarabi was a scholar of a Cabalistic school that followed the ARI line.
    – kouty
    Commented Feb 27, 2023 at 6:24

2 Answers 2


It is possible that the person who told you this misunderstood, Rabbi Shalom Sharabi (the Rashash) commentated on the works of the Ari, zl, and wrote a siddur (Siddur Ha-Kavanot) known for its Kavanot, that is used by many kabbalistic jews; the Ari never published a siddur.


As far as I know the main ones are the two mentioned in your original post. Rabbi Samuel Strashun is best known as a commentator on the Talmud. Rabbi Shalom Sharabi was an 18th Century post-Lurianic Kabbalist. Depending on whether you are in a Talmudic context or a Kabbalistic one usually one of those is usually called "the Rashash."

In some circles, Rashash can also refer to the eighteenth century Yemenite poet Rabbi Shalom Shabazi. Finally, I have on occasion seen Rabbi Shimon Shkop (19th-20th century talmudist) abbreviated in writing as Rashash, though I have never heard him called that in conversation.

As for "I was told that there was one that lived a thousand years ago," it would not shock me if there was some Rishon abbreviated Rashash (e.g., Rabbi Shimon of [some place starting with sin or shin]), but I am not aware of one and couldn't find one one Google.

As for someone who invented kavanot used by the Arizal, it ssound like a confused description of Rav Sharabi, as BID points out in their answer. Rashash Sharabi was post-Arizal and built on his kabbalistic system. It's also possible the person you were speaking to mixed up the Rashash and Rashbi. Rashbi refers to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a rabbi in the Talmud later treated as a mystical figure and author of the Zohar. The Ari believed the Zohar was written by Rashbi and refers to him often.

  • רבי שמשון משאנץ
    – Double AA
    Commented Apr 9, 2023 at 22:46
  • That would make sense. I was thinking of naming him but didn't want to give the false impression that I was saying he was actually called Rashash. Have you seen somewhere where he is called Rashash or abbreviated as sush? Wouldn't surprise me.
    – Avraham
    Commented Apr 9, 2023 at 23:37

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