Would such a child (non Jewish) who is adopted and converts inherit any status from his father? Has any posek ruled on this? Is there halacha for this?
1 Answer
No. Kohen status is patrilinear. See Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
"Have rabbis ruled on this?" Yes, rabbis have gotten this question before. A lot. In the "bad old days" when people tried to pass off adopted children as biological ones (and the kid themselves often didn't know), the kohen issue was a tricky one. Similarly if dad's a kohen and mom's a convert (or not Jewish at all, but they converted the kids) -- kids are not kohanim, but sometimes the dad wanted to save face and tried pressuring the rabbi. Not a good situation.– ShalomCommented Feb 14, 2023 at 10:45
If Dad’s a kohen and Mom had already converted at the time of birth, then child is a kohen at least for some purposes– JMSCommented Feb 28 at 15:50