I have heard many times that it is a big zechus or one to say a bracha, specifically Shehakol, as their last words here on earth before they pass away.
I am looking for a source for this. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I have heard many times that it is a big zechus or one to say a bracha, specifically Shehakol, as their last words here on earth before they pass away.
I am looking for a source for this. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I once heard this from Rav Gedaliah Schorr (on a recording not in person) As I recall he said that Seforim say that a tzaddik who lives his entire life with a vibrant emuna that everything that transpires is by the word of Hashem, merits that his last words testify to just that: 'Shehakol nehiye bidvoro-all exists by His word.'"
A big Talmid Chacham once told my brother that its source is a Rema miPanu (Rav Menachem Azarya from Panu (1548-1620). I will see if I can find it.