Daf Yomi Yerushalmi starts tomorrow. As I don’t own a set, I would like to find somewhere online I can see the daf (PDF or otherwise) to follow along with a shiur - similar to the Tzuras haDaf you can find for Bavli on the main page of HebrewBooks or the All Daf app. Any suggestions?
1 Answer
You can find it all on Hebrewbooks:
ZERAIM Brachos Pe'ah Demai Kilayim Sheviis, Terumos, Maasros, Maaser Sheini, Challah, Orlah, Bikurrim
MOED Shabbos, Eiruvin, Pesachim Yoma, Shekalim, Rosh Hashanah, Succah, Beitzah, Taanis, Megillah, Chagigah, Moed Kattan
NASHIM Yevamos, Kesubos Nedarim, Nazir, Gittin, Kiddushin, Sotah
NEZIKIN Bava Kamma, Bava Metziah, Bava Basra, Shevuos, Makkos, Sanhedrin, Avodah Zara, Niddah