It is a well known principle that Moshiach will gather all the people that are in exile, and bring them into Eretz Yisrael (Yeshayahu 11:12; Mishneh Torah Hilchos Melachim uMilchamot 11:1][1]).
Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal in his work "Em Habanim Smeicha" (p. 47) writes:
The essential point is that Hashem is waiting for us to take the initiative, to desire and long for the return to Eretz Yisrael. He does not want us to wait for Him to bring us there. that is to say, when we, of our own volition, truly and with all our strength, desire and strive to return to the Land, then G-d will bring our work to an succesful end. (emphasis mine)
According to Rav Teichtal, G-d does not want us to wait until exile ends, but wants us to return to Zion instead.
There is a similair statement that can be found in the commentary of the Haamek Davar on Devarim 30:3. It reads:
And gather you from all of the nations: After the main exile returns from the nations, the Lord will return to gather the small pockets among the nations where the Lord scattered you. Likewise did Ramban write 1 in his commentary on Song of Songs (8:12), "you may have the thousand, O Solomon" - that at first, there will be a partial gathering of the exiles with the permission of the governments. And afterwards, the Lord will bring back His hand a second time, as it is written, "and He will return and gather you." (emphasis mine)
Also, the Malbim says that the exiled will begin to return to Zion.
He will build the Sanctuary and gather in the dispersed of Israel.
There seems to be a contradiction in these two statements.
My question is: How does this fit with the famous statement of the Rambam, namely that all of the above is done by Moshiach? Are there any mefarshim (commentaries on this Rambam or else) that discusses this contradiction? On the one hand, Hashem wants us to return (according to the above mentioned sources), but according to the Rambam and many explanations from a "Satmar-perspective" we are meant to wait until Moshiach takes us "from the four cornes of the world", as we pray daily.