Someone told me that the Arizal is quoted in the Shittah Mekubetzes. Is this true? If true, please provide a source.
2The Arizal was a student of the Shita Mekubetzes– ChatzkelCommented Jul 28, 2022 at 17:43
@Chatzkel as I understand it, he was a Talmid-Chaver, in which case it wouldn't be so crazy that he'd be mentioned in the Shittah.– Aaron ReeseCommented Jul 28, 2022 at 17:46
@AaronReese that was my point. It can be that it’s mentioned, I don’t know for sure though. They definitely knew each other– ChatzkelCommented Jul 28, 2022 at 18:01
1 Answer
The Arizal studied under the tutelage of the author, R Betzalel Ashkenazi, who was his uncle.
According to R Dovid Tzvi Rothstein, the Arizal collaborated in the project of writing Shita Mekubetzes - specifically Baba Kama. This is a quote from the Shita Mekubetzes (BK 16):
אחר כך כתב רש"י במהדורא בתרא ככתוב בספרי הדפוס ומחק מה שכתב במהדורא קמא. ובהאי לישנא בתרא דפירש רש"י אני יצחק מגמגם
It seems clear that the author of this paragraph was someone called Yitzchok. R' Rothstein assumed that this refers to R' Yitzchak Luria, aka the Arizal.
However, this is far from conclusive evidence. In his doctorate 'רבי בצלאל אשכנזי : האיש, מפעלו הספרותי וספרייתו', Professor Shlomo Toledano debunks the suggestion that this was written by the Arizal. He believes that the 'Yitzchak' was the editor of the manuscript of Rashi where R' Betzalel Ashkenazi found this note citing a second edition.
Chida (Shem Hagedolim) writes that the Arizal co-authored Shita Mekubetzes on Zevachim, and cites first-hand testimony from Rabbi Ahron Alaphanderi who obtained the manuscript of Shita Mekubetzes on Zevachim where each paragraph was annotated identifying its authorship by either R' Betzalel Ashkenazi or Arizal.