I am not doing a Daf Yomi cycle specifically, but I want to shift my focus more back to Gemara than what I've been studying mostly the last few years. However, I want some audio help this time to lessen the reading load. So I looked for Daf Yomi apps but many of them are taking hours to cover one page before even getting to discuss with companions yourself, because they are reading one sentence in Hebrew, then in english, then the Rabbi speaking gives explanations in his own words, then he goes to the next sentence in Hebrew, then english, then explanations.
Can you please recommend an app where they are just reading the full page from Artscroll or Koren Talmud without interruption, and then a shiurim on it afterwards, or an app that has separate videos for both? I know Artscroll already has lots of notes, references, and explanations in their text itself. It's 73 volumes already, so just an uninterrupted reading covers a lot. Koren is not quite as long but also reads well as is. I would prefer audio that is just reading page by page of either Artscroll or Koren Talmud, uninterrupted, and then if I still need more study for given pages, I could click the shiur separately for that page.
Toda raba. And I really appreciate all the help given here.