I am not doing a Daf Yomi cycle specifically, but I want to shift my focus more back to Gemara than what I've been studying mostly the last few years. However, I want some audio help this time to lessen the reading load. So I looked for Daf Yomi apps but many of them are taking hours to cover one page before even getting to discuss with companions yourself, because they are reading one sentence in Hebrew, then in english, then the Rabbi speaking gives explanations in his own words, then he goes to the next sentence in Hebrew, then english, then explanations.

Can you please recommend an app where they are just reading the full page from Artscroll or Koren Talmud without interruption, and then a shiurim on it afterwards, or an app that has separate videos for both? I know Artscroll already has lots of notes, references, and explanations in their text itself. It's 73 volumes already, so just an uninterrupted reading covers a lot. Koren is not quite as long but also reads well as is. I would prefer audio that is just reading page by page of either Artscroll or Koren Talmud, uninterrupted, and then if I still need more study for given pages, I could click the shiur separately for that page.

Toda raba. And I really appreciate all the help given here.

  • 1
    You're probably not going to find a read-through of Artscroll or Koren, for copyright reasons.
    – magicker72
    Commented May 23, 2022 at 0:06
  • @magicker72 What are they reading in the english Daf Yomi podcasts? Or is it legal to read them if you intersperse commentary in between sentences? I'd settle for any intelligible english translation being read but those would be preferable. Commented May 23, 2022 at 0:27
  • 2
    @magicker72 Isn't the koren english already free on sefaria? if so a non-commercial reading could be ok (cyloL)
    – Double AA
    Commented May 23, 2022 at 1:22
  • dafyomi.org/download.php?masechta=brachos
    – ezra
    Commented May 23, 2022 at 6:46
  • Thanks Ezra. I actually came across that one when I looked. It works but ideally I am still hoping to find a better fit. The Rabbi is still reading every verse in Hebrew first, which cuts what I can learn per a measure in time in half by itself, and the audio quality is not the easiest to listen to. Commented May 23, 2022 at 18:40

3 Answers 3


It's not a direct reading of an Artscroll, but Rabbi Shloime Schwarzberg's Daf HaChaim is the most straight reading of the Daf I've ever heard - he's pure translation and explanation, nothing more, nothing less. You can even often go through the Rashi word for word sometimes as he speaks it out outside in English.

  • Thank you. This is the best I've seen so far but its still 34 minutes for Berachos 2, whereas even the longer Artscroll version took me maybe half that time to read, maybe one third.I dont want to come off picky, but let's say it normally takes you four years to read the Talmud start to finish. Well now it takes eight years, or twelve years, if you see what I mean. That extra 50% to 67% of time per Daf adds up to years worth of extra study time. If I was fluent in Hebrew, I'd want Hebrew only Daf except for when necessary, and for english speakers, Hebrew only for names, word similarities etc Commented May 23, 2022 at 18:54
  • I do appreciate shiurim where Hebrew is used frequently, even tho I cant understand. And prayers of course. Its spiritually powerful. But the Talmud is so long, to read every sentence in both languages is not what I'd prefer, because of how much time it takes away that I could be learning and understanding it. I have no idea if I'm in the minority in that, if others believe Talmud should not be read period without the Hebrew either on the page, or vocalized, in which case, this double-time issue is unique to audio format because with both languages printed on page I still only read the english Commented May 23, 2022 at 19:04
  • Although it's worth noting, @ShipBuilding, that even if you were completely fluent in Hebrew you'd still need a translation of the Gemarra, as it's written in Aramaic. Commented May 23, 2022 at 19:05
  • Definitely, thank you for noting that. Basically, if I were fluent in Hebrew, I would want it read only in Hebrew, not one sentence in Aramaic first, then Hebrew translation, then Aramaic for the next sentence, then Hebrew translation. Or not english and then Hebrew for most of the Mishnah. I'd like to get through ten pages per day not one page per day, and at 34 mins per daf that means over 5 hours of study per day, for 10 pages. Commented May 23, 2022 at 19:16
  • 1
    @ShipBuilding I suppose you should think first a bit about how gemara learning goes. By such reading you describe you wouldn't hardly understand anything, and in my view it would be a waste of time. Daf yomi shiurim are already very condensed, usually they're at the edge of comprehensibility. Try first learning an easier tractate like Berakhot or Megillah, get a taste of it, and then you could make a more informed decision whether your idea still made sense. Commented May 25, 2022 at 8:29

Why don't you try quick daf from Zecharia Resnik ,most dafim are around 7- 15 minute range which is a word for word reading of gemara and incorporates Rashi's pshat frequently.


  • Keep in mind Yevamos will have a 20 min shiur just due to the diffuclt content
    – sam
    Commented May 25, 2022 at 0:19
  • Ty Sam. This is also good and something I could use. I would also like one that is referencing whichever commentaries are relevant to each line of each Daf at that time, whether Rashi or not. I know that's subjective which to use when, but I like the way Artscroll did it. Commented May 26, 2022 at 1:09
  • Basically I just want to spend my time learning the authorative sources. If the Rabbi doing the Daf is quoting commentaries he thinks are relevant, that's great, but if he is thinking what to say and explaining mostly in his own words, that can be good but can also mean less time I could be learning what everyone from Rambam to the Gra wrote. I'd rather learn their teachings first, and then in the unlikely event I'm still alive by the time I learned all the teachings of the many Rabbonim and sages etc etc, I'll have time to learn the explanations of the Rabbi doing the Daf at that point Commented May 26, 2022 at 1:11
  • Although assuredly, he is likely learned in most of their teachings and may have unique insights, as well as modern insights and lessons. So it's definitely a tricky balance. And I'm not saying a modern Rabbi's teachings could not be just as important, or making any sort of negative comparison between one or the other. I respect them all. All I mean to say is I only have so much time, so I would rather learn as much from the classic sources as possible first. I'd like 90% of the Daf to be either reading directly from Talmud, or reading directly from one of the Rabbonim or sages etc, in english Commented May 26, 2022 at 1:14
  • Hos daf is very similar to Artscroll in that he translates the text and explains basically using Rashi's pshat. When you read artscroll the bold text is translation while the unbolded text is really rashi's explanation
    – sam
    Commented May 26, 2022 at 2:04

I'm currently using the app real clear daf so I can listen to Torah while I work and also when I exercise. I'm not sure it meets your question exactly in this order but it is straight forward and doesn't take too long to cover the daf. So far the typical time ranges from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the page. So far I am enjoying the shiurim very much and recommend it. It's great for a "b'kius" overview of the daf.

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