Many times when I am learning from 2 separate sources, it amazes me the Hasgacha Pratis how well they coincide with each other (especially when it comes to the various Yomis), that one will mention something I had just learned/am about to learn in the other.
For example, when Mishna Yomi was up to Brachos 2:3 (discussing the need to hear yourself say Shema), literally the next day it was brought in the Daf on Megillah 17b.
Similarly, many times learning coincides with current events.
For example, Daf this cycle finished Pesachim on 9 Nissan 5782, just days before Pesach. A few days later, Shekalim 8b discussed the 4 Kosos mamash on the 2nd day of Pesach.
While many people have told me they have also noticed the same phenomena, I have yet to find a Mekor/specific source inside that mentions these kinds of Hashgacha Pratis in learning.
Does anyone know of such a source?