I read the question a couple of times, now 2 years later, but since it seemed important then and "reprint" was mentioned, I'm still responding. Here is what I found which was published on this site: https://www.gotjudaica.com/Product.asp?dept=106510&Product=imh-mets-full
You can contact Rabbi Avrohom Davis about the Complete Metsudah Siddur by calling (718) 258-9696 or emailing [email protected].
I know you said you weren't looking for actual versions but I also found an actual copy of a "new" affordable avail in US that was headed: "Metsudah Weekday Siddur Pocket Size Ashkenaz Hardcover – January 1, 2000
by Metsudah (Author)" at this link on Amazon:
Pray for me also? I'm in search of "peace" everywhere. HATZLOCHOH and may H" answer our prayers for good, soon and in our days!