It appears that the preferred course of action is to eat from disposable utensils. In cases of extenuating need, one could rely on lenient opinions, but in all cases you should check with your Rabbi. writes
There is a problem with eating from non-toveled dishes, and you should
preferably ask to eat from disposable dishes. If this is impossible
(for whatever reason), there is room for leniency in eating from
non-toveled dishes. It is more important to ensure toveled or
disposable cutlery than dishes
R Chaim Tabasky at writes
According to most Rishonim and Poskim there is a prohibition to use
utensils that have not been Toveled. There is a minority opinion that
there is a Mitzvah to Tovel, but no prohibition of use. According to
some Poskim there is a prohibition, but only for the owner. The
majority opinion is that there is a general prohibition.
In situations
of embarrassment, or for the performance of a Mitzvah (e.g. drinking
four cups of wine on Pesach), or when there is another extenuating
circumstance, a guest in someone's home may rely on the minority
opinion that use for persons other than the owner of the utensils is
permitted for the following reasons:
- It is widely agreed that even if there is a prohibition of use it is Rabbinic.
- Many materials used for utensils today do not require tevila according to all opinions.
- Some hold that only utensils owned by a single non Jew require tevila, but that those sold by a company do not.
This leniency does not apply if there is no extenuating circumstance.
Since there are other factors about which utensils may not be used, a
Rabbi should be consulted about particular cases. In any event, the
food which was prepared in not toveled utensils is kosher and may be