There is no halachic problem with sleeping with the clothes you will wear with the next day, and it is permitted to touch ones clothes while his hands are impure (עוד יוסף חי הלכות פרשת תולדות אות י).
One should however be careful not to sleep with metal on him (like the belt of the pants), nor should he sleep with shoes (עיין פסקי תשובות או"ח סימן רלט).
A concern of sleeping in clothes may be their being soiled by a nocturnal emission; which one preferably shouldn't pray and make blessings in, due to uncleanliness and also "מזכרת עוון" - a remembrance of sin, antithetical to prayer.
A garment that has such a stain, must be taken off and washed, and then can be put on again without any concern.
If this happens on Shabbos, when laundering clothing is prohibited; it is permissible to continue wearing them, if he has no other clean garments to change into.
However, as soon as it is possible to change them, they must be replaced, since in the first place such blessings and prayers should not be said. (חיי אדם ח"א כלל ג סכ"ז, משנה ברורה סי' עו ס"ק טו)
It may also be worthwhile to note that sleeping with clothes under the head as a pillow is a bad omen for forgetfulness (הוריות יג ע”ב).