I'm trying to categorize different actions God takes in the process of creation as appears in Genesis.1:
Part of creation | Said? | Then | Then | Then
1. Heaven and Earth: | No | Bara | - | -
2. Light: | Yes | it was so | named | -
3. Firmament: | Yes | Asah | it was so | named
4. Gathering of waters: | Yes | it was so | named | -
5. Fauna: | Yes | it was so | Earth did | -
6. Luminaries: | Yes | it was so | Asah | set in place
7. Fish and birds: | Yes | Barah | blessed | -
8. Land animals: | Yes | Asah | - | -
9. Man: | Yes | Barah | blessed | -
(in Genesis.2 we can see some additional Chidushim regarding Man (he's now Yatzar-ed), and animals (same).
As I can see, each part of the creation was made in a different way/pattern (#2 and #4 are actually the same), some parts are said into creation and the first isn't, some are done first and then "it was so" and some "it was so" and then done, some are Barah-ed and some Asah-ed, some are named and some aren't, etc.
Do our sources address those differences?