Is there an "issur" regarding not putting up a mezuzzah? Is there such thing as having 30 days until the issue kicks in? Also, can you say the bracha each time you put one up? Or, if two different people hang them up, can they each say the bracha?
2 Answers
I have information about everything but the theoretical "issur" question from Oholei Yeshurun, Vol. 2, Chapter 1: "Laws of Mezuzah", by R' Aaron Felder. Please note that while R' Felder is a talented and respected Posek who cites an impressive collection of sources, his is by no means the last word on the subject. If these questions come up practically, you should consult your Rabbi.
"Is there such thing as having 30 days until the issue kicks in?"
Here are the relevant passages from Section 3: "Laws Concerning the Time For Affixing the Mezuzah":
2) Immediately upon entering a purchased [as opposed to rented -IM] dwelling, the owner should affix a Mezuzah and recite the blessing.
4) A teneant who rented a dwelling outside of Eretz Yisroel for less than thirty days, is not required to affix a Mezuzah.
5) a) Upon entering a dwelling rented for thirty days or more, a blessing should be recited when affixing the Mezuzah.
... b) The Mezuzah may be affixed on the morning of the thirtieth day if one desires to wait until that time.
... c) If one wishes to affix the Mezuzah but delay recitation of the blessing until the thirtieth day, it should be touched before reciting the blessing. However, it is preferable to remove and reaffix the Mezuzah before reciting the blessing.
... d) The blessing should be said the day before the thirtieh day if it is a Shabbos or Yom Tov.
7) Even if one left the dwelling for a period of time during the first thirty days, a Mezuzah is still required by the thirtieth day.Actually, the following might shed some light on your issur question:
13) One may remain in a dwelling that has no Mezuzah.
"Also, can you say the bracha each time you put one up?"
I'm not sure what case you're referring to. Do you mean each time you take down and put up the same one, or for each mezuzah in a houseful thereof?
If it's the former, it depends on the circumstances of the mezuzah's removal and replacement. There are a bunch of different cases discussed in Section 10: "Requirement of a Blessing Upon Affixing the Mezuzah" and Section 11: "Laws Pertaining to Conditions When a Blessing is Not Recited." If you amend your question to refer to a specific case, I'll quote the relevant ruling from these sections.
If it's the latter, here's the relevant material from Section 12 "Laws Concerning the Recitation of the Blessing":
4) a) When Mezuzus are being placed on several doorposts, one recites the blessing only once. This law applies only if one intended that the blessing be for all subsequent Mezuzos.
... b) The text of the blessing for many Mezuzos is the same as for affixing a single Mezuzah.
5) One should not converse from the time the blessing is recited until all the Mezuzos are affixed. If one did speak about a subject other than the mounting of the Mezuzos, the blessing must be recited prior to the placement of the remaining Mezuzos."Or, if two different people hang them up, can they each say the bracha?"
From the same section:
8) One who could not complete putting up all the Mezuzos, may appoint another person to complete the task. This person need not have been present when the blessing was recited. [Apparently, the second person does not recite a blessing in this case. -IM]
9) a) One individual may recite the blessing for several people in the same building. The one reciting the blessing should have the intention of including them, and those listening should have the intention of being included in the recitation.
... b) Those listening, should answer Boruch Hu U'voruch Shmo [I don't understand this ruling. -IM]. If Amen was not said, the blessing is not repeated.
Isaac, yes, the Boruch Hu U'voruch Shmo thing is confusing. It probably has something to do with the practice of NOT saying "Boruch Hu U'voruch Shmo" when listening to another's bracha if you're having your obligation fulfilled by them.– ShalomCommented Dec 30, 2009 at 15:34
Right, so I don't understand why this case is different if the second party is, in fact, using the same blessing. Perhaps someone can ask R' Felder when they see him. We have users who do.– Isaac Moses ♦Commented Dec 30, 2009 at 15:52
I think the circumstances under which the second person is hanging them should be clarified. If it's 2-3 people sharing an apartment?? In a situation where they all share the responsibility for the performance of the performance of the Mitzvah equally then we might not let the Bracha of the first person be carried over to the others as they are not acting as a Shaliach for the first, but acting in their own right. While it seems that the have "rishut" to be included in someone else saying the Bracha, it would also seem that they can exclude themselves and recite their own. Commented Dec 30, 2009 at 18:08
I think it's a typo and should read "should not answer Boruch Hu U'voruch Shmo".– YahuCommented Apr 8, 2010 at 2:34
Why no mention of renting a dwelling for more than 30 days in Israel?– Double AA ♦Commented Jan 23, 2014 at 18:59
I'll try and look this up for real and edit later... But here's what I can add from my recollection
1) You should try to mount main entrance mezuzot as soon as possible
2) There is a 30 grace period, I believe this relates to it becoming your established dwelling and not a temporary residence like a sukkah that is patur (exempt) from mezuzah
3) While not mounting a mezuza is nullifying a positive commandment I don't know of there is an "issur".
4) If you are putting more than one up at the same time, you may only make one Bracha. If you're putting them up with a substantial break in between then you would make another Bracha. One should not seek to do this since it is forbidden to make a "Bracha She'aino Tzricha" a Bracha that is not necessary.
5) It seems to me that if two different people are mounting them they can each make their own Bracha
There is no such thing as a thirty day grace period for a mezuzah. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception. If you purchase a dwelling anywhere or if you rent a house in Eretz Yisrael the obligation to affix a mezuzah is immediate. The thirty day rule applies only to renting a house outside of Eretz Yisrael, and not because there is a 'grace period', but because there is no obligation to affix a mezuzah to a rented dwelling outside Eretz Yisrael until thirty days have passed.– user4523Commented Dec 29, 2013 at 15:27