Rashi disagrees with Rav Mattana on the interpretation of Bamidbar 6:5. Rav Mattana believes the 30-day duration of Naziriteship (based on the gematria value of Yihye) makes the Nazir "holy". Rashi however believes the "Hair" itself is "holy" not the Nazir.
Rashi on Bamidbar 6:5
קדש יהיה means HOLY SHALL IT (not “he”) BE viz., his hair shall be holy. inasmuch as he must let grow freely the hair of his head (lit., so as to let grow the over-growth, פרע, of the hair of his head) (Sifrei Bamidbar 25; Taanit 4a).
Rav Mattana said: The verse states with regard to a nazirite: “He shall be [yihye] holy” (Numbers 6:5), and the numerical value [gimatriyya] of the letters of the word yihye is thirty.
In Bamidbar 6:5, which is Holy for 30-days : [It] Hair or [He] Nazir?
- Why would the Nazir not be the "holy" object, since Nazir's vow makes the Hair curl?