Related is a animal more responsible then a child? if yes why?
Tangentially, to a statement made in this question: At what age is a Ben Noach responsible to perform his "mitzvot"?
A child before the age of adulthood (codified as 12/13, depending on gender) is not required to perform certain mitzvot, and is not held accountable for breaking some or not fulfilling some. Is this status as "child" an across-the-board one which absolves the child of ALL mitzvot? Is there a list of mitzvot that a child at any particular age or level of education is required to perform or observe, or be held accountable for, not the parent?
I have heard that under three years old also makes a difference in certain actions, and that a child "who understands the laws and his actions" is also held accountable in certain cases, but I don't know where to find a hard and fast rule about the particulars -- ages, defining features, types of mitzvot.
As a side note, the tag for "minor-katan-child" reads "Children of this age are minors with respect to various rules, including the obligation to fulfill mitzvos (God's commands)" (emphasis mine) -- is there a list of those "various rules"?