I heard in this class by Rabbi Anthony Manning on the subject of "The Missing Years" (i.e. the chronological discrepancy between the Jewish chronology and the general chronology) that Rabbi Shimon Schwab once held that the solution to the issue was that Daniel was commanded to distort history in order for the Jews to not be able to guess when Mashiach will come. Chazal took it upon themselves to assist in Daniel's mission by distorting parts of history, but there are hints to this in a number of places. One of those places is this mishna, or in other words, there was at least one generation between the two Rabbis Yosei and Antignos.
Note: Rabbi Schwab himself later changed his view on the missing years for a number of reasons. Here is his discussion on the subject.
Eliezer Finkelstein in "The Pharisees and the Men of the Great Synagogue" suggests that it was the policy of the Knesset Hagedolah to publicize their decisions under the banner of the whole of the Knesset, and for this reason hardly any of their names are known1. This tradition continued on until the time of Yose ben Yoezer and Yose ben Yochanan, when the sages began to voice their views individually. Therefore, the "received from them" refers to Antignos and all other leading sages of his time.2
1 Although Rabbi Yaakov Medan opined in his essay "Introduction To C. Chefetz's Essay On the Persian And Median Empire" that when the various names of the leaders and heads of the families in Ezra and Nechemiah are added together (excluding those that appear more than once, or those that can be argued to being variations of the same name of the same person), plus adding Chaggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Shimon Hatzaddik, you get exactly 120 names, and these were the actual Knesset members (he has also some variant suggestions. I assume at least one version works with the common tradition that Ezra was Malachi).
2 To who some of them might have been, see here.