In Vezos Habracha where Rashi says on Perek 33:18 that the last 5 tribes he doubled over, Moshe did this because these tribes were weak so he wanted to strengthen them. However Rashi later on, on Perek 33:21 says on these words, being, ראשי עם, Rashi says that the reason why they would go ahead first is because they were mighty. So were Gad strong or weak?
1 Answer
See Rashi to Bereishit 47:2, who notes that this is a matter of debate between Bereishit Rabbah, which believes Gad was strong, and Talmud Bavli and Sifrei which believe that Gad was weak.
Rashi to Devarim 33:18 is paraphrasing Sifrei. Rashi to Devarim 33:21 seems to be following the opinion of Bereishit Rabbah.
1I think it might be good to add as a clarification that Rashi on the Tanach often explains things per the meaning that is most true to that specific word, phrase or verse, regardless if the most true explanation of a different word, phrase or verse contradicts the other explanation.– Harel13Commented Oct 6, 2020 at 13:36