From this website, I get:
14th of Nisan, 3793 = Fri, 1 April 0033
To make easier, assumed that the sunset is always exactly on 6.00 pm.
So, 14th of Nisan duration is from 6.01 pm to 6.00 pm
and 1 April duration is from 00.01 am to 00.00 am
Abdul say :
"today is April 1st 4 pm"
What I would like to know :
At the moment Abdul say like that, is it 14 Nisan or 13 Nisan ?
I mean,
if it's 14 Nisan, then around 3 hours more it's 15 Nisan
if it's 13 Nisan, then around 3 hours more it's 14 Nisan
Any kind of respond would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advanced.
I'm sorry as I think I need to give a reason for my confusion: It's because I wander what if Abdul location it's not in Israel.
Based the answer from N.T, so:
because if it's April 1st 4 pm then it's 14 Nisan 4 pm
then (me conclude) the Date in regular calendar is always 6 hours before then the Date in Hebrew calendar
So, if Abdul in Jerusalem at 6.05 pm (after sunset) say : "today is April first",
then the date in Hebrew calendar is 15 Nisan 6.05 pm.
I wonder how if Abdul (for example) in Auckland.
Auckland is 9 hours ahead then Jerusalem.
So, if in Auckland at 6.05 pm (after sunset) Abdul say : "today is April first", but in Jerusalem is not sunset yet, it's still morning 9 am in Jerusalem.
So I wonder what is the date in Hebrew calendar when Abdul say "today is April first" in Auckland at 6.05 pm (after sunset) ?