Tosfos in Kesubos(2a says):
ליום הרביעי - ולא בליל חמישי כדאמר בפרק בתרא דנדה (דף סה:) דליכא כתובה דלא רמו בה תיגרא כ"ש אם יעשה נשואין בליל ה' דאיכא למיחש שיטרד בנשואין וכתובה ולא יבעול:
And the sefaria translation accurately explains the tosfos, as was explained by my rebbi in yeshiva when we learned this gemara: (the translation was "Merged from 'Tosafot, Translated by Jan Buckler', 'Tosafot, Translated by Jan Buckler.', and 'Sefaria Community Translation'":
On Wednesday. In the secular calendar Wednesday night is the period
that begins after the period of daytime on Wednesday. The Torah does
not have names for the days of the week. They are referred to by
number, first, second etc. In B’raishis 1, 5, the Torah says: and
there was night and there was day, the first day. This teaches us that
in the Torah calendar night precedes day. What is referred to as
Wednesday night in the secular calendar is caller the fifth night in
the Torah calendar.Our Mishna says that a vbetulah is married on the
fourth day. Tosfos comments: But not on the fifth night (Wednesday
night), as the Gemara says in Needoh (65b), there is no marriage
contract where there is no dispute about the terms of the agreement
and time is always needed to settle the disputes.1Nowadays we use a
standard marriage contract for all. During the period of the Mishna
each marriage contract was negotiated individually. All contained the
minimal requirements of the sages, but there was much more to be
negotiated. This could have drawn out for a very long period and by
the time it was over, the couple may not have time to consummate the
marriage that night.Certainly, if the marriage is made on the fifth
night, one needs to be concerned that one will be involved with the
terms of the marriage and the contract and he may not have relations
with his bride during that night. He may postpone his relations with
her till the next night and will first be able to present his claim of
lack of virginity on the following Monday. By that time his anger may
have cooled and he may not complain to the court at all. It is
imperative that the marriage take place Wednesday afternoon, so that
he will definitely have relations with his bride that evening and if
she is found not to be a virgin, he will still be angry when the court
is in session Thursday morning.
I did not look into where this explanation comes from, but I'd assume that if two people explained it the same exact way, it probably came from somewhere.